What is Trad Climbing?
Trad Climbing, what is it?

Trad climbing, short for “traditional climbing,” is a style of climbing that involves placing removable protection such as nuts, cams, and hexes into cracks and other features in the rock to protect against falls. The protection is then removed by the second climber as they ascend, leaving the rock in its natural state. This is in contrast to sport climbing, where the protection is permanently bolted to the rock.
Trad climbing requires a high level of skill and experience, as the climber must assess the rock’s features and choose the appropriate protection to place. Trad climbers often climb in teams of two, with one person leading the climb and placing protection, and the other person following and removing the protection.
Because trad climbing involves placing removable protection, it is considered a more traditional and pure form of climbing, as it relies on the climber’s skill and judgment rather than on fixed bolts. Trad climbing is the oldest and original type of rock climbing and provides some of best adventures one can have. If Trad Climbing seems like something you’d be into jump onto one of our Trad Climbing Courses and learn all there is to know!